
14 products

14 products
12" Magical Evening Coat for Doll | Corolle
front view of loire riverside overalls
12" T-Shirt and Ecru Overalls - Loire Riverside | Corolle
Babipouce Glow in the Dark 12" | Corolle
front view of blossom doll
baby with blossom doll
Badidoux Blossom Garden | Corolle
BB12" 2 Pacifiers 12" | Corolle
BB12" Mealtime Set | Corolle
Bébé Bath - Alyzée 12" | Corolle
front view of bebe bath marin with bath toy
Bébé Bath - Marin | Corolle
bebe calin mael sitting
Bébé Calin - Maël | Corolle
Bébé Calin - Marius 12" | Corolle
Pink floral play pram with diaper bag
Box showcasing pink floral play pram
Carriage & Diaper Bag | Corolle - LOCAL PICK UP ONLY
items included in the large accessories set
Large Accessories Set for 12 inch Baby Doll - Pink | Corolle
front view of mini calin bunnies
Mini Calin Bunnies Brown Eyes 8" | Corolle
front view of miss pink starry dreams
Miss Pink Starry Dreams | Corolle
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